New Parents!!
Come and visit our small campus in South Austin where students can learn 3 languages in a day! Schedule a tour now! Contact us at (512) 414-2094 or fill in our Interest Form found on the top of the page.
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Bell and Lunch Schedule? Click HERE, or check under "About Us --> Lunch Schedule"
Supply List SY 2024 - 2025

Supply List QR Codes for 2024-2025 (ENG)
PK Kinder- Eng. or Spa. Homeroom Kinder/Man.- Homeroom + Man. 1st- Spa. or Eng. Homeroom 1st/Man.- Homeroom + Man. 2nd-Spa. or Eng. Homeroom 2nd/Man.- Homeroom + Man.
3rd-Spa. or Eng. Homeroom 3rd/Man.- Homeroom/Man. 4th- Eng. or Spa. Homeroom 4th/Man.- Homeroom/Man. 5th- Eng. or Spa. Homeroom 5th/Man.- Homeroom + Man. LS ECSE Resource
Códigos QR de la lista de suministros para 2024-2025(SPA)
~Listas traducidas próximamente~
Together We Achieve More - Juntos Logramos Mas - 同舟共济
Parent Compact / Compacto para Padres
Parent Engagement Policy
Parent Involvement Policy - Póliza de Involucración de Padres
Parent Support
AISD Parent Engagement Support -
AISD Parent Engagement Support is here for AISD families, students, educators, or partners looking for resources for their student, family, or school. You can can use this online guide to find and explore community and AISD resources: food, housing, legal, financial, transportation, after-school programs, community centers, and learning resources including ESL and GED services, computer literacy, cultural enrichment, and family literacy.
Project Help -
If your family is experiencing hardship please visit the following site (https://www.austinisd.org/project-help) for information about assistance programs or call Project HELP at 512-414-3690

Birthday Celebrations
Birthdays are acknowledged on the last Friday of each month during morning assembly. If you would like to distribute invitations for birthday parties for your student during school, please invite each and every child in the class or rotation group. If that is not possible, please make arrangements to distribute invitations outside of school.
Please make arrangements with your child’s teacher if food items are considered, which can only be distributed prior to dismissal. Please be mindful of individual student’s dietary restrictions.